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Elwood Middle School Collects 500 Pairs for Sock Drive for Homeless modal link
This January, Elwood Middle School launched its first Spare a Pair Sock Drive, with the goal of collecting 400 pairs of socks for those in need. Organized by... (more)
John Glenn’s World Language Honor Society Lends a Hand modal link
Elwood-John H. Glenn High School’s World Language Honor Society recently volunteered to help fellow student Ellie Crowley complete her Girl Scout Gold... (more)
Elwood Seventh Graders Celebrate Middle of the Middle Day modal link
Seventh graders at Elwood Middle School participated in the second annual Middle of the Middle Day on Feb. 3, celebrating reaching the middle of their middle... (more)
Eleven Exemplary John Glenn Musicians Accepted for SCMEA modal link
Reflecting the excellence of the Elwood School District’s music education program, 11 exemplary student musicians from Elwood-John H. Glenn High School... (more)
Three Elwood Athletes Compete at County Swimming and Diving Championship modal link
This season proved another success for Elwood-John H. Glenn High School’s swimming and diving team, which competes as part of a combined team with... (more)
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