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EMS Wins “Rally to Read 100” Book Contest

Elwood Middle School English teacher Maria Trucios and students thumbnail258993
Elwood Middle School English teacher Maria Trucios was recently selected as a winner of Reading Is Fundamental’s “Rally to Read 100” sweepstakes, a six-month initiative designed to ignite a love of reading for students in grades from prekindergarten through grade 5 nationwide. As one of only 100 national winners, EMS received 100 books curated to inspire the school’s young readers and donated by Barnes & Noble.

For the “Rally to Read 100” campaign, launched in October 2023, students, educators and families were invited to take on the fun challenge of reading 100 books over the span of six months by the end of National Reading Month in March. After a process of random selection from a pool of thousands, 100 applicants were chosen, including Trucios.

Date Added: 5/29/2024