Fifth graders in Marsha McLeod’s class at James H. Boyd Intermediate School recently held their annual Adopt-a-Charity raffle project, raising $831.26 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. In the initiative, which McLeod began about four years ago, the students sold raffle tickets and prizes to their fellow Boyd students. They then researched and selected three possible charities and created slideshows about them to present to the entire class for a vote on which would be the final recipient of the donations.
“I really like this project because it's important that we're helping people in need,” student Finn Borg said.
“The raffle is really fun and exciting for everyone, and a good learning experience,” student Victoria Risani said.
“I think this project is amazing,” Giuliana Lanzetta said. “I just know that when the chosen charity gets the money, they are going to be very happy for the kids that need it.”
“About 20 years ago, my students, parents and I hosted an annual Adopt-a-Family initiative,” McLeod said. “COVID contributed to the elimination of our major Popcorn Sale fundraiser. As a result, a pivot was necessary, and Adopt-a-Charity was created. My hope is that a philanthropic seed will be planted in my students, which in turn will motivate them to be cognizant of the needs of others in the future.”
Date Added: 1/13/2025