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Facilities Enhancements Completed

Summer Facilities Enhancements Completed thumbnail260533
This past school year, the district’s Facilities Department has been busy working on small projects to enhance the Elwood schools experience. The completed work includes:

•    All external school building signs were painted Elwood Blue
•    External walls and columns of school buildings were power-washed
•    Track and field renovations were completed (final phase of Bond)
•    New scoreboard was installed
•    JGHS courtyard was cleaned and new flowers/plants were added
•    Old wood sign at Boyd was replaced
•    Deteriorating backstop was removed from Boyd’s front field
•    Terrazzo floor work is continuously being updated across the district
•    JGHS parking lot lines were repainted
•    Exterior lighting was installed to enhance evening security
•    New traffic lines/stop signs added to EMS/JGHS campus roadway to enhance pedestrian safety

Date Added: 8/9/2024